NCA is asking the assistance of your organization in getting the word out, via your print or other publications, regarding NCA’s Pre-Need eligibility program.
NCA’s Pre Need program, which leaves a legacy of peace, helps supplement the financial legacy and legacy of perpetual memorialization that we facilitate for Veterans and their loved ones.
Unlike civilian pre-need programs, NCA Pre Need does not mandate that one has to be buried in one of our cemeteries but does provide that option for any of our open national cemeteries nationwide. Pre Need can also be used to establish eligibility for a free government headstone to be used in a private cemetery. Finally, Pre Need ensure that when the time of need comes the family does not have to go looking in an attic/basement/closet for a Veteran’s DD 214 or other qualifying document.
NCA would be humbled to have an article or background piece placed in your print publications or other venues this Fall as we approach Veterans Day. If you are interested in helping us get the word out, kindly respond to me with your specifications (i.e. word count) and we can tailor a piece to your standards.
Thank you for your time but most of all for what you do in your cares and concerns for America’s Veterans and their loved ones.
Very Sincerely,
Lawrence A. Provost
Outreach Officer/Veteran Service Organization (VSO) Liaison-Public Affairs and Outreach
Office of Engagement and Memorial Innovations (OEMI)
National Cemetery Administration (NCA)
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)