PO BOX 1666
Reno, NV 89513
May 15, 2023
My Fellow Marines:
Let me begin by sharing with each of you, it is indeed an honor and privilege to serve our Department of Nevada Commandant. I should like to thank each of you for stepping forward to serve in elected and appointed positions. I count on your talent, expertise and dedication to our League and our Department as we go forward this year to map out and plan a viable, comprehensive program that will serve all members, their families and our state of Nevada.
First, a shout-out and Thank You to the officers who just completed their term of office. Your service is sincerely appreciated and I know I can count on you to continue to actively support our League in the years to come.
I plan to hold regular Zoom meetings with our MCL Department officers and staff and with the 6 Detachment Commandants. My first Officer/staff meeting will be held in mid-June. Our Aide de Camp will be publishing Zoom call schedule shortly.
My challenge to each of you is this:
1. Renew, and energize your outstanding active commitment to our Department MCL by reviewing your officer Job Description, and be prepared to actively work MCL issues and tasks.
2. Reach out to our younger, newer members and encourage their participation/attendance at our MCL activities.
3. Reach out to our long-term members, network, see to their needs and encourage them to re-engage with our programs.
4. Actively coordinate and work with Detachment officers and members.
5. Recruit new members, Associate Members now.
6. Let us know what is going on in your “neighborhood.
Let’s keep the enthusiasm generated for our 100th Anniversary celebration alive and growing! I am grateful for your participation and I ask all officers to redouble your efforts to keep Marine Corps veterans’ issues before the public and reinvigorate our organization.
Semper Fidelis,
Susan Malone
Department Commandant